Mark Fredericksen Devotions


Lenten Meditations (Liturgical Year B)

“You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has been resurrected! He is not here! See the place where they put Him. But go, tell His disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you to Galilee; you will see Him there just as He told you.’” (Mark 16:6-7) 

Lent is the Christian religious season where we prepare, seek, weigh, and evaluate our lives against the life of Jesus Christ. This Lenten devotional is aimed at helping you on your faith journey and giving you a focal point for praying your way through Lent. It is appropriate for individual or small group use. Each day’s lesson is inspired by the Roman Catholic Lectionary with a short meditation passage, three journal questions, and prayer. May you travel through the depths of these meditations and come to Easter with a greater understanding of your spiritual truth. “Christ is risen! He is risen indeed.” 

Advent Meditations (Liturgical Year B)

"Watch therefore, and pray continually, that ye may be counted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and that ye may stand before the son of man." (Luke 21:36, ASV) 

The world is constantly changing around us, but we, as humans, still face so many of the same travails as did our long ago ancestors: jealousy and insecurity, inner strife and outward war, the building up of false idols and narrow-minded beliefs, and the stickiest of all issues – our own imperfect-yet-striving human nature. Amazon best-selling devotional author Mark Fredericksen offers his latest meditation book for the 2014 Advent season with Advent Meditations (Liturgical Year B). With bible verses based on the Roman Catholic Daily Lectionary, this devotional is intended for all readers of faith who wish to deepen their spiritual relationship with God. Advent is a season of hope and expectation, and with daily Bible verses, a thoughtful meditation, journal questions, and a quiet prayer, the daily devotions encourage quiet time with God. The entries can offer an enlightening anchor on a busy day or longer meditative reflection for larger group study. 

Message from Dr. Mark: Advent is a time of waiting and planning, hoping and praying, anticipation and joy. Let us not forget, during the season that is upon us, that the birth of the Christ child cannot be celebrated in a vacuum. Rather, we are called to ponder, carefully, how this Divine birth fits into the entire realm of God-belief and Spirit-led faith. As you work through the twenty-six days of this year's Advent meditations, I urge you to think strongly about how the ancient Bible verses fit within today's society. We may be two thousand years removed from the birth of our Savior, but the poignant simplicity of the prophesies before Him and teachings from Him can still guide us through all the times of our lives. ACT like someone God is blessing every day (because you are!) and keep straining, keep leaning forward, even into the gale storm, because what is unpredictably ahead that you can't see is a far better prize than is the one you're carrying by looking backward. 

Other Books:

Lenten Meditations: Liturgical Year A

"He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son He loves." (Col. 1:13, HCSB) 

During the forty-seven days between Lent and Easter, Christians are called to walk along the path of faith with Jesus Christ, experiencing challenge and triumph alike, before arriving at that wondrous place where eternal life in God wins ultimate victory over death. In this volume, which follows the Liturgical Year A studies and is dated for use in 2014, read along with theologian Mark Fredericksen as he explores both well-known and oft-forgotten scriptures, tying all back to the central theme of Jesus' new and everlasting commandment of love. Including daily readings, meditation passages, journal questions and prayers, you'll learn, grow and expand your relationship with God through this Lenten devotional.

Dr. Mark says, "We have our mountaintop moments of profound awareness and connection with God, usually followed by low points of doubt and stress for managing our lives on our own. As we walk together through these days of Lent, remember two things. First, remember that God has joined Godself to you in a loving covenant that is everlasting. Second, that through the community of faith, we hold one another in our doubts and fears, as well as our certainties and faith."

Join Christians around the world on this wondrous journey,getting ready for the Good News to come. He is Risen!

Available in All Markets

Stand By Me

Need spiritual soothing, a new idea, a change of pace? Daily Walking on Water: Stand By Me is here to help manage your day-to-day spiritual needs. Written by Christian theologian and Naturopathic Doctor, Mark Fredericksen, each entry begins with a bible verse, delivers a short commentary relevant to your life, and ends with a heartfelt prayer for any time during the day. Each reading takes just a few minutes, but the nourishment from the "food for thought" lasts all day long. This is a 30-day devotional journey designed to fit into your busy life.

Psalms Meditations

"The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." (Psalm 121:7-8 NIV)

Uplift your spirit with this devotional focused on the Book of Psalms. Each of the thirty daily entries in Psalms Meditations includes a meditation, a prayer and a dedicated verse for thought and reassurance. Bring this devotional of faith and heart into your private time with the One True God who cares about you forevermore.

Stand By Me and Psalms Meditations

A Combined Edition with 60 days of devotionals.

Advent Meditations: Liturgical Year A (2013) 

Amazon best-selling devotional author Mark Fredericksen offers his latest meditation book for the 2013 Advent season with Advent Meditations (Liturgical Year A). Based on the Roman Catholic Daily Lectionary, this devotional is intended for all readers of faith who wish to deepen their spiritual relationship with God in the days leading to the celebration of Christ’s birth. Advent is a season of hope and expectation, and with daily Bible verses, a thoughtful meditation, journal questions, and a quiet prayer, the daily devotions encourage  quiet time with God. The entries can offer an enlightening anchor on a busy day or longer meditative reflection for larger group study. Walk through the days, and let these entries be a resource for peace and strength.

Advent Meditations: Liturgical Year A (2013) - Psalms Meditations

A combined edition of previously published Advent Meditations (Liturgical Year A) and Psalms Meditations.

Advent Meditations (2012)

“Therefore will the Lord himself give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and shall bring forth a son, and call his name Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14, Darby)

Advent is an adventure in hope, a time for Christians to prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of the Savior. In the 2012 edition of Advent Meditations, bestselling devotional author Mark Fredericksen, M.Div., N.D., offers seven days of preparatory meditations plus daily devotions for the twenty-four days of Advent.  Join in the journey to the coming of Jesus and rejoice in this holiest of seasons!


Lent Meditations: A Forty-Seven Day Devotional Journey (2012)

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” (Psalms 51:10 NIV)

As Christians, we have the opportunity to spend the forty-seven days between Ash Wednesday and Easter examining our hearts and preparing our spirits for the Good News that is to come. Mark Fredericksen, M.Div., N.D., offers Lenten Meditations as a companion on your journey of introspection. Whether used for daily encounter or revisited during the year for spiritual refreshment, Lenten Meditations will soothe your soul and connect your spirit to God through Jesus. He is Risen!

Lenten Meditations (2012) - Psalms Meditations

A combined edition of best-selling devotional author Mark Fredericksen's Lenten Meditations and Psalms Meditations.

Also Available

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